The General Office building was built in 1915-16 for the Ebbw Vale Iron and Steel Company to the designs of Veall & Sant of Cardiff, architects. It is designed in the Free Dutch/Baroque style and is an impressively long range of red brick, with extensive detail in buff coloured ashlar. It has artificial slate roofs. The building consists of a central two-storey entrance block, with long single storey wings, and a tall clock tower to the South end, which was originally intended as the centrepiece.
It was listed as a very fine and rare survival of an industrial office complex, with much of its character and detail well-preserved. It was also designed by a leading firm of Cardiff architects to an unusually high specification, reflecting the great prosperity of the steelworks in the Edwardian period.
See also nprn:-34135, Ebbw Vale Steelworks
Source:- Cadw listed buildings, NJR 05/02/2009
There have been recent proposals to house the Gwent Records Office, a visitor centre and a steelworks exhibition featuring artefacts from the Ebbw Vale Archive Trust, in the Office Building.
Reference: South Wales Argos, 30 June 2009.
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionDesign and Access Statementapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting East and West Elevationsapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting Long Section Q100 and Q1000application/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting First and Second Floor Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionMain Street North Potential Flow Paths ? Stage 1application/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionEnvironment Agency Flooding Extent Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionOption 2 - Area study for Records Office. Extension with expansion into existing building.application/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting Roof Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionGeneral Offices Cross Section A-Aapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionGeneral Offices Planning and LBC Supporting Statement Final.application/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionMain Street North Potential Flow Paths ? Stage 4application/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting Site Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionLandscape Statementapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting Ground Floor Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionFlood Risk Assessment reportapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionExisting Basement Floor Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionFlood Risk Assessment Location Planapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionLandscape Masterplanapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionHeritage Impact Assessment reportapplication/pdfERC - Emergency Recording CollectionMain Street North Potential Flow Paths ? Stage 5