Fairbourne Village was a holiday of the 1890s that included a hotel, golf course and a narrow gauge railway. The railway is a twelve and a quarter inch (30.6 cm) miniature steam railway.
Source: David Gwyn & Merfyn Williams (1996) `A Guide to the Industrial Archaeology of North West Wales?. Association for Industrial Archaeology.
Claire Parry, RCAHMW, 25 November 2011.
LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/msaccessGATP - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveMS Access database recording details of photography by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust taken during archaeological building recording and watching brief carried out at Fairbourne Flood Defences Renewal, Fairbourne, Gwynedd, 2017.application/pdfGAT - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust ReportsGwynedd Archaeological Trust Report relating to Fairbourne Flood Alleviation Scheme, Ground Investigation Programme. Project No: G2127. Report No: 877.application/pdfGATP - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveGwynedd Archaeological Trust Report No 1209, entitled "Fairbourne Flood Defences Renewal, Fairbourne, Gwynedd. Archaeological Building Recording and Watching Brief" part of project no 2315, prepared for Natural Resources Wales by Robert Evans, March 2017.