Aberpergwm Coal Mine is located in the Vale of Neath, near Glynneath, south Wales. The mine was closed in the mid 1980s by British Coal, but reopened in 1996 and is now mangaed by Energybuild Holdings Ltd. Aberpergwm mine and the adjacent undergroud anthracite coal reserves and resources located in the Neath and Dulais valleys, are being developed by Energybuild Holdings Ltd, to produce premium grade anthracite.
L. Osborne, 16th December 2011.
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfAWP - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesElectronic report entitled: 'Archaeological Watching Brief for Aberpergwm Colliery, Cae Cape l Glyn-Neath', report number 1061.application/pdfCAP - Cambrian Archaeological Projects ArchiveArchaeological Watching Brief for Aberpergwm Colliery, Glyn Neath, Neath. Produced by Cambrian Archaeological Projects: CAP Report Number 539.