The remains of banks, ditches and, in parts, a counterscarp, define an irregular polygonal circuit, c.660m N-S by c.400m E-W, enclosing the medieval town and castle of Montgomery.
The town charter of 1227 allowed the construction of town walls, however the first murage grant does not occur untill 1267. The initial circuit is thought to have been pallisaded, replaced by a masonry wall and towers from c.1279, this circuit being depicted as ruined c.1610.
(source Os495card; SO29NW13)
RCAHMW AP955028/45-7
J.Wiles 11.09.02
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfAWP - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesReport entitled "Medieval Town Defences (MG023) Tan y Mur, Montgomery. Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation" prepared by Adrian Hadley and Chris E. Smith of Archaeology Wales, Report No 1279, Oct 2014.