A kerbed round barrow, 11.4m in diameter, excavated 1970-5, Roman, Med. & later pottery came from the mound overburden (Vale et al. 1982).
A fragment of the mound, c.0.3m high, remain on the NE of a c.16m diameter excavation hollow.
(source Os495card; ST07NW15)
RCAHMW AP955170/54
J.Wiles 20.02.04
LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/pdfTPA - Trysor Projects ArchiveTrysor report no. 2015/495 entitled 'Maes y Ward Farm, Bonvilston, Cardiff Watching Brief' by Jenny Hall and Paul Sambrook, December 2015. Planning application no. 15/00600/FUL.