Ashmount Centre (formerly an alkali works, then a textile factory) and Flint Castle, Flint. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th September 2015.Opsiynau lawrlwytho a prynu
NPRNTeitlMath O SafleArchifauDelweddauNPRN33106TeitlFlint; FflintMath O SafleTREFArchifau64Delweddau35NPRN94448TeitlFlint CastleMath O SafleCASTELLArchifau314Delweddau94NPRN41108TeitlMuspratt's Alkali Works; Courtaulds Textile Mill; Castle Works, FlintMath O SafleMELIN DECSTILAUArchifau19Delweddau18