Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6167496Title2003_5083_53 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW black and white oblique aerial photograph of Pont Sarn-las settlement, hut group, in poor light. Taken by Toby Driver on 16/06/2003MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6058765Title8M_6126_1 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. 8M/6126/1, transferred from Cadw, concerning Pont Sarn-Las hut group, Llanidan, Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, scheduling. SAM Code AN087MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6151940Title995014_44 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Pont Sarn-las Settlement, Llanidan, taken on 10/01/1999 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6151941Title995014_45 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Pont Sarn-las Settlement, Llanidan, taken on 10/01/1999 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6151939Title99_CS_0005 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour slide oblique aerial photograph of Pont Sarn-las Settlement, Llanidan, taken on 10/01/1999 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6059778TitleAN087 - Cadw Scheduling RecordsLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of Cadw scheduled monument records for Pont Sarn-las Settlement (AN087) , consisting of scheduling notices, accompanied by Field Monument Warden reports. Files stored in scheduled monument number order.MediumCartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6055354TitleANC_6126_1 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. ANC/6126/1, transferred from Cadw, concerning Pont Sarn-Las hut group, Llanidan, Ynys Mon, Gwynedd, scheduling. SAM Code AN087MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6458640TitleAP_2008_1043 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Pont Sarn-Las Settlement. Taken by Toby Driver on 13/06/2008.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6463942TitleAP_2010_2195 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Hut circles to north,. Taken by Toby Driver on 10/06/2010.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6463943TitleAP_2010_2196 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Hut circles to north,. Taken by Toby Driver on 10/06/2010.MediumPhoto.Imagesy