Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number2024-03-19_2504TitleAWP_433 - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesLevelGroupDescriptionArchive from an Archaeological Watching Brief of A465, Heads of the Valleys, Dowlais Top. Consisting of photographs, plans, reports, and context and photo registers. Project code: 2857.Medium95.9 MB and one file of papers.ImagesnArchive Number2024-03-19_2504TitleAWP_433_01 - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesLevelItemDescriptionReport from an Archaeological Watching Brief of A465, Heads of the Valleys, Dowlais Top. Dated 2022. Report no: 2052. Project code: 2857.Medium1 pdf.ImagesnArchive Number6370689TitleWPW029878 - Aerofilms CollectionLevelItemDescriptionView of Brecon and Merthyr Railway under Morlais Hill, oblique aerial view. 5?x4? black and white glass plate negative.MediumPhoto.Imagesy