Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number2024-06-03_1824TitleDS2024_084 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelBatchDescriptionPhotographic survey of Groynes and Jetties at Aberstrincell, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 24 April 2024.Medium28 .tif files (1.70 GB). Photographic.ImagesnArchive NumberDS2024_084_001TitleDS2024_084_001 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), looking north. Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_002TitleDS2024_084_002 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), looking northeast (with scale). Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_003TitleDS2024_084_003 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), looking northeast. Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_004TitleDS2024_084_004 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), looking northeast (with scale). Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_005TitleDS2024_084_005 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), detail of timber uprights (with scale). Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_006TitleDS2024_084_006 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionJetty, Aberstrincell (SN5219768701), detail of timber uprights (with scale). Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_007TitleDS2024_084_007 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionGroyne (SN5213968609) and Jetty (SN5214268626), Aberstrincell, looking west. Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_008TitleDS2024_084_008 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionGroyne (SN5213968609) and Jetty (SN5214268626), Aberstrincell, looking southwest. Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.ImagesyArchive NumberDS2024_084_009TitleDS2024_084_009 - Investigators' Digital PhotographyLevelItemDescriptionGroyne (SN5213968609) and Jetty (SN5214268626), Aberstrincell, looking northeast. Part of photographic survey of Aberstrincell lime kilns and coal yard, conducted by Louise Barker of the RCAHMW survey team on 21 March 2024.Medium1 tif file. Photographic.Imagesy