Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive NumberCLBGP_63TitleCLBGP_63 - CADW Listed Building Grant PhotographsLevelGroupDescriptionPhotographs submitted by applicants as part of Cadw listed building grant applications between 2008-2016.MediumOne full box (310mm x 395mm x 75mm each). Photographic; Text.ImagesnArchive Number6486002TitleDCP2017_007 - RCAHMW Dendrochronology Project CollectionLevelItemDescriptionOxford Dendrochronology Laboratory Report no 2017/02 relating to the dendrochronology dating of timbers from Llanerch, Cynwyd, Merioneth, January 2017, commissioned by The North West Wales Dendrochronology Project in partnership with RCAHMW.MediumPhoto, Text, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6486004TitleDCP2017_009 - RCAHMW Dendrochronology Project CollectionLevelItemDescriptionArchitectural Record report relating to Llanerch, Cynwyd, Denbighshire, produced by Peter Thompson, February 2017, commissioned by The North West Wales Dendrochronology Project in partnership with RCAHMW.MediumGraphic, Cartographic, Text, Photo.Imagesn