DescriptionA hut circle, part of a group of structures described as a prehistoric settlement (NPRN 275626), lies to the E of its neighbours (NPRNs 403388-90) but is separated from them by a gap of some 60m.
The circle is slightly oval and measures overall 8m (E-W) by 7m. It is defined by a spread, rubble bank up to 3m wide and 0.5m high enclosing an area now measuring 3m across. Embedded in the bank, on its S, are two earthfast boulders each 0.6m high. An antrance gap 1.5m wide is located in the N bank. The entrance is flanked by a grassy scarp 0.3m high, the upper end of the low platform upon which the circle was built.
visited D.K.Leighton 8 August 2005