Medieval & later settlement associated with St David's church (Nprn213) & the Bishop's palace/castle (Nprn25081): two areas of settlement related earthworks have been identified: to the west of the church features thought to represent fishponds and building platforms, one of these last possibly marking the site of a tithe barn (Jones 1991: Nprn275620): south-east of the castle/palace, features extending over an area, roughly 250m north-east to south-west by 150m, possibly representing former tofts, aligned north-east to south-west (Jones 1997, 119 fig 9.6), trenches opened across three possible house platforms located drystone walled buildings with clayey silt floors, generally 5.0m across (Anthony 2004); trees depicted on OS County series (Brecknock. XXVIII.5 1888) appear to follow the line of one of these earthwork features.
Sources: Anthony 2004 (AW 43 2003), 145-6.
Jones 1991 (AW 31), 39;
1997 (in Edwards (ed.) 'Landscape & Settlement in Med. Wales'), 113-121.
J.Wiles 16.11.04
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfAWP - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesReport from an Archaeological Watching Brief of Ty Cerrig, Llanddew. Dated 2018. Report no: 1735. Project code: 2229.