Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6061089TitleDE242 - Cadw Scheduling RecordsLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of Cadw scheduled monument records for Minera Lead Mine: Halvans Processing Works (DE242) , consisting of scheduling notices, accompanied by Field Monument Warden reports. Files stored in scheduled monument number order.MediumText, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6071277TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDyeline copy of a survey (profile views) of the Minera Halvans Processing Works, carried out by Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust, October 1989.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6071276TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDyeline copy of a survey (site plan) of the Minera Halvans Processing Works, carried out by Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust, October 1989.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6051314TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionA brief typed report on the Minera lead mines - Halvans processing works.MediumText.Imagesn