Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6058628Title8M_3197_1 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. 8M/3197/1, transferred from Cadw, concerning Ynys Gorad Coch fish weirs, (North weir and smoke tower), Menai Straits, Anglesey, scheduling. SAM Code AN096MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6059787TitleAN096 - Cadw Scheduling RecordsLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of Cadw scheduled monument records for Ynys Gorad Goch Fish Curery, Near Bangor (AN096) , consisting of scheduling notices, accompanied by Field Monument Warden reports. Files stored in scheduled monument number order.MediumCartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6354944TitleAP_2006_1584 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Ynys Gorad Goch Fish Curery, near Bangor. Taken on 14 June 2006 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6354946TitleAP_2006_1586 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Ynys Gorad Goch Fish Curery, near Bangor. Taken on 14 June 2006 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6354945TitleAP_2007_0128 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Ynys Gorad Goch Fish Curery, near Bangor. A view of the north weir and the smoke tower. Taken on 25 January 2007 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6509001TitleCS_04_75 - Cadw Slide CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionSet of colour slides relating to maritime sites taken or collected by Cadw/Welsh Office, including an image of the paddle steamer Lelia, wrecked off the coast of Prestatyn.Medium9 slides. Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6405571TitleDBHSC_IP_01_03 - D.B. Hague Slide CollectionLevelItemDescriptionColour slide showing Ynys Gorad Goch fish weir, photographed by Douglas Hague, Nov 1963.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6405572TitleDBHSC_IP_01_04 - D.B. Hague Slide CollectionLevelItemDescriptionColour slide showing Ynys Gorad Goch, photographed by Douglas Hague, Nov 1963.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6405573TitleDBHSC_IP_01_05 - D.B. Hague Slide CollectionLevelItemDescriptionColour slide showing Ynys Gorad Goch, photographed by Douglas Hague, Nov 1963.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6405780TitleDBHSC_IP_09_10 - D.B. Hague Slide CollectionLevelItemDescriptionColour slide showing fish drying house at Ynys Gorad Goch, photographed by Douglas Hague, Nov 1963.MediumPhoto.Imagesn