Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6168685TitleAENT16_08 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionReport on an archaeological watching brief on Caerleon Roman Legionary Museum, by Julie Reynolds, Mark Lewis and Lee Russell, for The Roman Legionary Museum, National Museums and Galleries of Wales, 05/2005.MediumGraphic, Photo, Cartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6206216TitleAENT23_03 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionArchaeological Watching Brief report for the National Roman Legion Museum Roman Inspired Garden, carried out by Mark Lewis and Julie Reynolds in 2008.MediumText, Photo, Graphic, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6516626TitleCAM001-01-0029-01 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. CAM001-01-0029-01 (part 1) transferred from Cadw, concerning Caerleon Roman Civil Settlement.MediumGraphic, Text, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6519002TitleCAM001-01-0029-01 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. CAM001-01-0029-01 (part 2) transferred from Cadw, concerning Caerleon Roman Civil Settlement.MediumText, Graphic, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6373818TitleCMC_GL_023 - Cadw Monuments in Care CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionCopy of Site Inspections/ Assessment Report for Access Improvement Programme, Phase 1, Priority Programme. This relates to various sites in Wales. Produced by/ for Cadw.Medium1 file. Photo, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6400156TitleCMC_PA_474 - Cadw Monuments in Care CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionColour photographs and negatives, produced by Peter Humphries, relating to various sites. The file also contains images relating to Selworthy Church, Somerset.Medium1 file. Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6231034TitleEmergency Recording CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionRoman Legionary Museum, Caerleon; measured drawings received in the course of Emergency Recording case ref no RCS2/1/1297, filed in nprn order.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6016902TitleWSA_E3_27 - Welsh School of Architecture CollectionLevelItemDescriptionFrontispiece for WSA project on the Legionary Museum of Caerleon, produced by A. Nasisri and D.L.R. Thomas, September 1963.MediumText, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6016907TitleWSA_E3_28 - Welsh School of Architecture CollectionLevelItemDescriptionMeasured drawing showing west elevation of the Legionary Museum of Caerleon, produced by A. Nasisri and D.L.R. Thomas, September 1963.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6016903TitleWSA_E3_29 - Welsh School of Architecture CollectionLevelItemDescriptionB&W photograph and measured drawing showing north elevation of the Legionary Museum of Caerleon, produced by A. Nasisri and D.L.R. Thomas, September 1963.MediumGraphic, Photo.Imagesn