Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6049130Title900004_7 - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionA black and white print of Hafod Stableblock, PontrhydygroesMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6484618TitleDAT24_03 - Dyfed Archaeological Trust ReportsLevelItemDescriptionReport entitled An Archaeological Investigation of Stable Courtyard at Hafod, Ceredigion Report No 41072 by Dyfed Archaeological Trust.MediumText, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6392134Titleacc010013 - Arthur Chater CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and White photograph showing the site of Hafod Uchtryd from the drive. Photographed by Arthur Chater in March 1961 from Grid Reference SN 760 731, looking north west.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6392133Titleacc010014 - Arthur Chater CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and White photograph showing Hafod Uchtryd stable buildings at the back of the mansion. Photographed by Arthur Chater in March 1961 from Grid Reference SN 759 733, looking east north east.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6392132Titleacc010015 - Arthur Chater CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and White photograph showing Hafod Uchtryd stable buildings. Photographed by Arthur Chater in March 1961 from Grid Reference SN 759 733, looking north-east.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6392131Titleacc010021 - Arthur Chater CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and White photograph showing Larnium in yard at back of Hafod Uchtryd, near the stable buildings. Photographed by Arthur Chater in March 1961 from Grid Reference SN 759 733.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Numberacc060583Titleacc060583 - Arthur Chater CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of a black and white negative showing inscription on stables at the back of Hafod-Uchtryd. Photographed by Arthur Chater on 23 December 1968. Looking north east from Grid Reference SN 7595 7329.MediumphotoImagesy