Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6459552TitleAP_2008_2084 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Bodfari village, with St Stephen's Church. Taken by Toby Driver on 24/07/2008.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6046202TitleCHC03_02 - Cadw Historic Churches ProjectLevelItemDescriptionReport entitled "The Historic Churches of Denbighshire and the Vale of Clwyd. Church Survey. CPAT Report no 312" dated February 1999 produced by Bob Silvester of Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, for the Cadw organised Welsh Historic Churches Project.MediumText, Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6489192TitleNBRP_223 - National Buildings Record Postcard CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white print, interior, view of pulpit in St Stephen's Church, Bodfari.MediumImagesnArchive Number6439436TitleVHC06_127 - Vernon Hughes CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionColour slides showing views in and around Bodfari, produced or collected by Vernon Hughes.Medium5 slides. Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6050670TitleWP03_40 - RCAHMW Wall Paintings CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of information concerning wall painting at St Stephen's Church, Bodfari, consisting of manuscript notes by A.J. Parkinson dated May 1974.MediumText.Imagesn