1. Possible settlement features at Bryn Hyfryd consist of a collection of apparently disarticulated features, curvilinear and angular, occurring in an area, c.100m NE-SW by 60m, on NW facing slopes.
RCAHMW AP965011/51
J.Wiles 10.09.03
2. 'The whole area is very overgrown, but appears to consist of a series of linked circular and sub-rectangular walled enclosures, the largest measuring about 16m across. The main feature is a squarish mound, about 4m per side, within a sunken enclosure that is approached by an entrance passage from the downhill (north) side. There is much loose stone around, suggesting it might be later than the other structures here, but it’s function is a mystery. There are abundant traces of linear field walls uphill (south) of the site, as well as a semi-circular sheepfold built against a rock outcrop. There are also earthworks suggesting that the site extended downhill beyond the existing wall line' - Paul Davis
RCAHMW, 2023