Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6015650TitleAENT09_15 - Archaeological Reports/Evaluations (non Trust)LevelItemDescriptionRP Archaeology report on an archaeological watching brief and record of remedial works on St Deiniol's Church, Worthenbury, carried out by TACP consultants.MediumGraphic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6205555TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionBooklet concerning the history of St Deniol's church, Worthenbury, and appeal for funds, 1951; also an architect's preliminary and second report on the church, both dated 1951.MediumText, Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6046206TitleCHC05_01 - Cadw Historic Churches ProjectLevelItemDescriptionReport entitled "The Historic Churches of Flintshire and Wrexham County Borough. Church Survey. CPAT Report no 313" dated February 1999 produced by Bob Silvester and Pat Frost of Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, for the Cadw organised Welsh Historic Churches Project.MediumText, Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6490900TitleNBRP_269 - National Buildings Record Postcard CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white print, interior, view of font in St Deiniol's Church, WorthenburyMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6490901TitleNBRP_270 - National Buildings Record Postcard CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white print, interior, view of east window in St Deiniol's Church, WorthenburyMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6490902TitleNBRP_271 - National Buildings Record Postcard CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white print, interior, detail of centre panels in east window, St Deiniol's Church, WorthenburyMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6490903TitleNBRP_272 - National Buildings Record Postcard CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white print, interior, view of pulpit, St Deiniol's Church, WorthenburyMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6439818TitleVHC06_263 - Vernon Hughes CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionColour slides showing various buildings, produced or collected by Vernon Hughes.Medium17 slides Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6050654TitleWP03_29 - RCAHMW Wall Paintings CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of information concerning wall painting at St Deiniol's Church, Worthenbury, consisting of manuscript notes by A.J. Parkinson.MediumText.Imagesn