DescriptionWalling, with characteristically Roman building debris and other finds, including coins of the 4th century AD, noted on the summit of this isolated hill in 1923: it is suggested that the remains represent temple, or villa.
Sources: Wheeler 1923 (Antiquaries Journal 3), 374;
Arnold & Davies 2000 'Roman & early Medieval Wales, 130.
Summary derived from Archwilio (GGAT):
A section of rubble wall was uncovered and during a field evaluation, nine test trenches were cut at the site. In the western and central parts of the site, Roman finds were identified including fragments of painted wall plaster, a fragment of samian ware, nine bronze coins and iron slag. There appears to be evidence for iron working on the southern slope of the site. The finds suggest a date of 2nd ? 4th century for the site. It has been suggested the site could either represent a villa or a temple.
Following an archaeological site evaluation further Roman finds were identified including some 50 sherds of Roman pottery, mostly South Wales greyware and Severn Valley ware. A Romano-British Brooch was also retrieved dating from around the second half of the 1st century.
Archaeology in Wales 1995 35, 56. Archaeology in Wales 1999 39, 101.