The former chapel at Nash was attached to the bishop's manor, but was demolished c.1968. The Ordnance Survey County series (1878) map depicts two roofless north-south ranges, to one of which is attached a structure measuring c.7.5m E-W by 6.5m. Former frescoes were noted beofre the site's demolition.
Associated with:
Nash Park (Nprn307576)
Nash Manor (Nprn19433).
Sources include:
RCAHMW Wallpaintings database. 2004.09.13/RCAHMW/SLE
Os495card; SS97SE51
David Jones ms "Outline History of the parises of Llysworney [etc]" Cardiff Lib. ms.2.355
Richard Suggett, Painted Temples: Wallpaintings and Rood-screens in Welsh Churches, 1200–1800, (RCAHMW 2021)