A bank and ditch, about 100m in length with a simple causewayed entrance, cuts off the higher, western part of Burry Holmes island, effecting an enclosure, about 112m east-west by 60-100m. Romano-British pottery was found in excavating the ditch in 1965 and a roundhouse, 5.6m in diameter, dated by a sherd of 2nd century Samian was excavated at the western of the island, 2000-2001: the defended enclosure can be linked with underlying traces of occupation found when excavating the monastic site in the east of the island (see Nprn94719).
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfRCAHMW ExhibitionsBilingual exhibition panel entitled Morgannwg: Yr Oes Gynhanesyddol Ddiweddar. Glamorgan: Late Prehistoric, produced by RCAHMW, 2009.