The motte lies in the grounds of the adjacent Wentloog Castle
Hotel and has suffered some minor damage due to encroachment
by the latter.
It is a steep-sided mound measuring about 25m across at its base, 12m across at top and 6m high. The level top has been fenced in to form a garden; the
original access from Wentloog House has been removed, and a new one provided on the E side. Another former access up the
NE slope has now been fenced off. The NE and SE sides of the
motte are contained by retaining walls, which, as far as one can tell, do not directly impinge upon the earthworks.
Other sources:
OS record: ST28SE3.
D.Leighton & D.J.Percival, RCAHMW, 5 April 2016
DownloadTypeSourceDescriptionapplication/pdfFAPA - Foundations Archaeology Projects ArchiveReport of an Archaeological Desk-based Assessment at Jarvis Wentloog Castle Hotel, Castleton, carried out by Foundations Archaeology in 2003.Reference: JWC03.application/pdfFAPA - Foundations Archaeology Projects ArchiveReport of an Archaeological Field Evaluation (Phase II) at Jarvis Wentloog Castle Hotel, Castleton, carried out by Foundations Archaeology in 2004.Reference: JWC04.