Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6135867Title005058_67 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Pant-y-pyllau Earthwork, Coity Higher, taken by T.G.Driver on the 18/07/2000MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6135869Title925311_05 - RCAHMW Black and White Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW Black and white oblique aerial photograph of Pant-y-pyllau Earthwork, Coity Higher, taken on 30/07/1992 by CR MussonMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6135868Title92_CS_0703 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour slide oblique aerial photograph of Pant-y-pyllau Earthwork, Coity Higher, taken on 30/07/1992 by CR MussonMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6358068TitleAP_2005_0979 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Pant-y-Pyllau Earthwork, viewed from the north-west. Taken on 22 June 2005 by Toby DriverMediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6328355TitleAP_2006_3224 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Pant-y-Pyllau Earthwork. Taken on 24 July 2006 by Toby Driver.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6470187TitleAP_2011_4223 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Digital Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique photograph of Pant-y-Pyllau earthwork. Taken by Toby Driver on 17/11/2011.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6518134TitleCAM001-01-3539-01 - Cadw Registered Files CollectionLevelSub-groupDescriptionClosed registered file, ref. no. CAM001-01-3539-01 transferred from Cadw, concerning earthwork at Pant y Pyllau - scheduling.MediumText, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6345491TitleGLI03_01_44 - Glamorgan Inventory: Pre-NormanLevelBatchDescriptionFile for sites in map reference 34SW and 34SE.Medium1 file. Text, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6061685TitleGM426 - Cadw Scheduling RecordsLevelSub-groupDescriptionFile of Cadw scheduled monument records for Pant-y-pyllau Earthwork (GM426) , consisting of scheduling notices, accompanied by Field Monument Warden reports. Files stored in scheduled monument number order.MediumText, Cartographic.Imagesn