Hound's Hole Cave, Paviland

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6198780TitleDKL001_05 - David K. Leighton Slide CollectionLevelItemDescriptionHound's Hole Caves, Paviland; colour slide showing view from the south, taken by David Leighton, 1997.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6013021TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionComputerised topographical survey plot of Hound's Hole Cave, Paviland, 1:50 scale.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6345473TitleGLI03_01_38 - Glamorgan Inventory: Pre-NormanLevelBatchDescriptionFile for sites in map reference 30NW, 30NE and 30SE.Medium1 file. Text, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6376719TitlePCD - Paviland Caves DrawingsLevelCollectionDescriptionDrawings relating to the Paviland caves, produced by David K. Leighton, for 'Paviland Cave and the 'Red Lady': a definitive report', Stephen Aldhouse-Green ed. (Western Academic & Specialist Press, 2000).Medium2 files. Graphic, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6376720TitlePCD01 - Paviland Caves DrawingsLevelBatchDescriptionWorking drawings relating to the Paviland caves.Medium1 file. Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6376721TitlePCD02 - Paviland Caves DrawingsLevelBatchDescriptionFinished drawings relating to the Paviland caves. Noted as Figures 1.5, 1.10, 1.11, and 1.15 in 'Paviland Cave and the 'Red Lady': a definitive report'.Medium1 file. Graphic, Cartographic.ImagesnArchive Number6484576TitlePRD_02_0689 - Paul R. Davis CollectionLevelItemDescriptionColour photo showing Paviland, produced by Paul R. Davis, 21st Jan 2017.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6333586TitleWGC02_027 - William Grimes CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionFolder of drawings of pots, and other finds; from various sites, many of which are unidentified.Medium1 file. Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6333174TitleWGC03_075 - William Grimes CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionIlford plate box, containing lantern plate negatives of Pentre Ifan, Stonehenge, and Paviland Cave.Medium1 file. Photo.Imagesn