Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6009828Title990374_4B - NMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white print of Buckland House, copied from an original in the possession of Thomas Lloyd. Copy negative held.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6205167TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionSales particulars for Buckland Hall, Bwlch (Crosfield House), dated April 1985.MediumPhoto, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6009825TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionSales particulars of Buckland Hall, Bwlch, nr. Brecon. Sales pack consists of maps, room plans and photos of the property.MediumGraphic, Cartographic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6009826TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionBuckland House, near Brecon; Sales particulars dated February 1991.MediumText, Photo, Graphic.ImagesnArchive NumberCLBGP_24TitleCLBGP_24 - CADW Listed Building Grant PhotographsLevelGroupDescriptionPhotographs submitted by applicants as part of Cadw listed building grant applications between 2008-2016.MediumOne full box (310mm x 395mm x 75mm each). Photographic; Text.ImagesnArchive Number6009827TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionBuckland House, Bwlch; Undated B&W postcard showing general view of Buckland House.MediumPhoto.Imagesn