Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive NumberCLBGP_17TitleCLBGP_17 - CADW Listed Building Grant PhotographsLevelGroupDescriptionPhotographs submitted by applicants as part of Cadw listed building grant applications between 2008-2016.MediumOne full box (310mm x 395mm x 75mm each). Photographic; Text.ImagesnArchive Number6035205TitleESP1441 - Estate Sales ParticularsLevelItemDescriptionAnnotated estate sales particulars for "a portion of the Herrick Settled Estate", date of sale 1st & 2nd December 1915, auctioneer Driver, Jonas & Co. Particulars include the following buildings; Chapel Farm, farmhouse and farm buildings, Penhow ( NPRN 36616); Chapel Lodge, cottage, Penhow; Bowden's Farm, cottage and outbuildings; Barn Farm, farmhouse and farm buildings, Penhow; Church Farm, farmhouse and farm buildings, Llanmartin; Pencoed Castle (NPRN 543);Pencoed Castle Entrance Lodge; Pencoed Castle farMediumCartographic, Photo, Text.Imagesn