Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6348818TitleCNJ11_02 - C.N. Johns CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionNotes, plans, photocopies of (parts of) maps, relating to Sully House; and the Old Swan Inn, Llantwit Major.Medium1 file. Text, Cartographic, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6210261TitleGLI04_08_01 - Glamorgan Inventory: Medieval Secular Monuments, Non-defensiveLevelItemDescriptionDigital image of Sully House, Glamorgan; measured drawings comprising base and overlay showing plan and site plan as published in RCAHMW inventory of medieval non-defensive sites in Glamorganshire, fig. 134MediumImagesyArchive Number6336759TitleRCF08_306 - RCAHMW Field NotesLevelBatchDescriptionSketch plans and drawings relating to 'Sully House'.Medium1 file. Graphic.Imagesn