Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6339513TitleGLI01_03_02_04 - Glamorgan Inventory: Domestic Architecture, Farmhouse and CottagesLevelItemDescriptionDrawing AL4: Single and two-unit, direct entry houses with lateral chimney to both hall and parlour - Gower.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6339980TitleGLI01_04_03 - Glamorgan Inventory: Domestic Architecture, Farmhouse and CottagesLevelItemDescriptionFigure 3: Oxwich Green Farm, Oxwich - cut-away reconstruction.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6175004TitleHB010_10 - Harry Brooksby Slide CollectionLevelItemDescription35mm colour slide showing an external view of Oxwich Green Farm, Glamorgan, produced by Harry Brooksby, undated.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6174944TitleHB010_9 - Harry Brooksby Slide CollectionLevelItemDescription35mm black & white slide showing Oxwich Green Farm, Glamorgan, produced by Harry Brooksby, undated.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6213283TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionFarmhouse at Oxwich Green Farm, Penrice; measured ground floor plan produced by Harry Brooksby, 1983.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6213282TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionFarmhouse at Oxwich Green Farm, Penrice; measured first floor plan produced by Harry Brooksby, 1983.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6213285TitleNMR Site FilesLevelBatchDescriptionFarmhouse at Oxwich Green Farm, Penrice; photo survey comprising eleven black and white photographs produced by RCAHMW 2009MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6213287TitleNMR Site FilesLevelBatchDescriptionFarmhouse at Oxwich Green Farm, Penrice; twelve black and white photographs produced by RCAHMW, undated.MediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6242470TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionExterior view of the farmhouse showing the east gable endMediumPhoto.ImagesnArchive Number6248839TitleNMR Site FilesLevelItemDescriptionExterior view of farmhouse showing the east gable chimneyMediumPhoto.Imagesn