Chapel Cottage with Rose Cottage

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6205664TitleAdditional InformationLevelItemDescriptionArchitectural plans and elevations for alterations to Chapel and Rose Cottages, Llysworney, dated June 1973.MediumGraphic, Text.ImagesnArchive Number6339686TitleGLI01_03_05_09 - Glamorgan Inventory: Domestic Architecture, Farmhouse and CottagesLevelItemDescriptionDrawing C9: Two-unit, lobby-entry houses with hall and inner room - Vale of Glamorgan.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6336711TitleRCF08_258 - RCAHMW Field NotesLevelBatchDescriptionSketch plans and drawings, and associated notes, relating to 'Chapel Cottage'.Medium1 file. Text, Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6336888TitleRCF08_404 - RCAHMW Field NotesLevelBatchDescriptionSketch plans and drawings relating to various properties in Glamorgan.Medium1 file. Graphic.Imagesn