DescriptionOriginally two properties, now amalgamated into a hotel.
Pemberton House has two storeys and attics. It is a late Georgian remodelling of a seventeenth century building. The main front, of about 1800, of coursed stone blocks, faces west onto the Bullring. It presents a symmetrical five window front, with a central doorway set in a pedimented doorcase, opening from a railed forecourt. The steep slate roof is framed by rubble chimney stacks at the front corners, joined to the gable ends by later butresses. There are three later nineteenth gabled century dormers. There is a dog-leg staircase at the rear.
This house has been joined with that to the north and these, with more recent extensions, make up the hotel.
Source: CADW Listed Buildings Database (7329)
John Wiles 15.02.07