Ewenny Priory including views of the south and north gatehouses; Priory House; dovecote; north tower and St. Michael's church. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 19th June 2015.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN143TitleEwenny PrioryType Of SitePRIORYArchives293Images135NPRN309102TitleEwenny Priory House, Gatehouse NType Of SiteGATEHOUSEArchives15Images8NPRN309096TitleSt Michael's Church, Ewenny PrioryType Of SiteCHURCHArchives22Images14NPRN37532TitleEwenny Priory, DovecotType Of SiteDOVECOTEArchives12Images6NPRN309108TitleEwenny Priory , S GatehouseType Of SiteGATEHOUSEArchives12Images7NPRN308TitleEwenny Priory HouseType Of SitePRIORYArchives20Images8NPRN309105TitleEwenny Priory, N Tower and Attached WallType Of SiteTOWERArchives7Images5