New Radnor, including views of the castle, town defences, interior of medieval town and St. Mary's Church. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11th June 2015.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN421213TitleSt Mary's Church, New RadnorType Of SiteCHURCHArchives3Images2NPRN306379TitleNew Radnor Castle; Radnor CastleType Of SiteCASTLEArchives59Images25NPRN303340TitleNew Radnor, Town DefencesType Of SiteTOWN DEFENCESArchives11Images2NPRN276087TitleNew Radnor: Interior of Medieval TownType Of SiteHOUSE PLATFORMArchives4Images1NPRN33219TitleNew Radnor TownType Of SiteTOWNArchives64Images18