Cyfeirnod MapSO27SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO2970171799
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirRadnorshire
DisgrifiadLlanshay farmrange includes housing for both horses and cattle in a stone-walled building that is divided into two main units and is dated to 1811 by a plaque, in the apex of the W. gable, which also includes the initials R.D. The cowhouse half of the range is approximately 1.00m wider the that housing the stable. Each has the doorways in the N. wall but the cowhouse also has shutters in the S. wall, possibly for loading hay into the unit from the higher ground on this side. In both stable and cowhouse the loft over is carried on plain transverse beams and square joists. The roof over the whole range is now sheet covered.
The cowhouse has unfortunately lost most of its fittings and only at the W. end is there any indication of the layout, there being a calf-pen and the cobbles to the floor. There are six doorways on the N., some having shutters in the opposing S. wall, but this does not appear to set a pattern for the bings and tethering. The loft over the wider cowhouse has four king-post trusses over, supported on the N. on posts which form part of a half framed and weather-boarded wall on this side of the loft.
At the E. end a cider-house was added, built with stone side and rear wall, but having a timber-framed front (now removed). This housed a cider press which is dated 1768 with the initials B.E. - I.I. above.