Machynlleth is most famous for having been the seat of Owain Glyndwr's Welsh Parliament from 1404, and as such the title of `ancient capital of Wales? has been claimed for the town, though at no point was it declared as such. There is evidence of human occupation in the area dating back almost three thousand years, with copper mining having taken place close to the current town's centre and during the Roman occupation there was a fort (NPRN 300159) within a few miles of the town. The earliest record of Machynlleth itself, however, dates to 1291 when a charter was issued granting the town the right to hold a weekly market and bi-annual fair.
Machynlleth was such a successful market town that in 1621 neighbouring communities complained that their own trade was being diminished by the pull of Machynlleth, which drew traders from across the English border. The Town and Market Hall (NPRN 408661) occupied the traditional position at the centre of the cross roads, but have since been replaced by the iconic Clock Tower (NPRN 32925). Machynlleth is today largely dependent upon agriculture and tourism, attracting visitors to such sites as the medieval Royal House (NPRN 404635), the Owain Glyndwr Centre (NPRN 32041) and Parliament House (NPRN 34042).
K Steele, RCAHMW, 20 January 2009
LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/pdfHAP - Headland Archaeology Projects ArchiveHeadland Archaeology Report No YBMP18 "Ysgol Bro Hyddgen, Machynlleth, Powys. Archaeological Evaluation", December 2018., 2018. Headland Project No YBMP18.application/pdfCPAT - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust ReportsClwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Report on 'Historic settlements in Montgomeryshire'. CPAT Report No. 1134: produced for Cadw. Paper and digital copy.application/pdfCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesCPAT project 2302: report no. 1587 entitled 'Proposed Cemetery in Machynlleth, Powys. Heritage Impact Assessment' prepared by Nigel Jones, 2018.