Bulwarks Camp Hillfort

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Cyfeirnod MapST06NE
Cyfeirnod GridST0813066320
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Bro Morgannwg
Hen SirGlamorgan
CyfnodYr Oes Haearn
1. An enclosed trapezoidal area measuring 230m (N-S), 250m along N, tapering to 120m on S (4.1ha) is defended on the S by cliffs and elsewhere by three close-set banks and accompanying ditches well preserved on the W but reduced to terraces on the other three sides. Entrance on W side.
visited DKL 1988

2. The camp occupies a blunt promontory, opening onto level ground to the west.
Excavations behind the western ramparts, in 1968, identified a sequence of three rectangular buildings, occupied up to the late third or fourth century CE. Early twelfth century pottery occurred in the topsoil.

Sources: Archaeology in Wales 8 (1968), 7-8 No 14
RCAHMW Glamongan Inventory II (1976), 41 fig 21 No 671.

John Wiles 16.03.07

3. The aftermath of a catastrophic collapse of the cliff at the adjacent caravan park in 2012 was recorded during RCAHMW aerial reconnaissance on 22nd May 2012.

T. Driver, RCAHMW