An extensive cairnfield located on the south west-facing slopes of Cefn Drum.
This is the more northerly of two cairn groups and spans an area roughly 300m (NE-SW) by 270m.
The cairns are round/oval/linear or otherwise irregularly-shaped stony mounds, varying in size from 3m across to 9m across and rising to 0.5m high, and probably result from field clearance. They are more-or-less consolidated with light vegetation, being one or more of heather, bracken, grasses and mosses. Several appear to have an earthen capping, possibly due to accumulation of dense overgrowth.
See detailed site record for fuller descriptions.
There is no clear date for the construction of these cairns. Prehistoric contexts are often ascribed. In the case of small cairns to the north of here (in map area SN60NW) Bronze Age burial/ritual monuments are numerous, and a prehistoric date is likely. Here, several house platforms and rectangular buildings with associated field systems located nearby suggest that these small cairns are contemporary with them, i.e. of broadly Medieval date. These cairns have a generally 'fresher' and more prominent appearance than those associated with prehistoric field monuments to the north.
Cultivation marks revealed on air photos have been noted hereabouts, to the north-west (NPRN 91824) and within the cairnfield to the north and east.
David Leighton, RCAHMW, 10 November 2000