A peat deposit representing a submerged forest has been reported at this location. The peat has been sampled and Carbon 14 dated to c7640+150BP to C5520+150BP. A flintworking site has been recorded close by to the east - 47 flints (18 blades, a microlith, three scrapers, a notched implement of unidentifiable use and some waste material).
Sources include:
Bell, M, 2007, Prehistoric Coastal Communities: The Mesolithic in Western Britain, CBA Research Report 149, pg2
Lewis, M P, 1992, The Prehistory of Coastal Southwest Wales 7500-3600 BP: an interdisciplianry palaeoenvironmental and archaeological investigation, unpublished PhD thesis, Dept of Archaeology, University of Lampeter
Maritime Officer, RCAHMW, February 2013.
LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/pdfDAT - Dyfed Archaeological Trust ReportsDigital report on Arfordir Coastal Heritage Project, 2012 - 2013. Produced by D.A.T. for Cadw: Report No. 2013/23, Project No. 102763.