Rhif ArchifTeitlLefelDisgrifiadCyfrwngDelweddauRhif Archif2025-01-29_5555TeitlAP2024_503LefelGroupDisgrifiadAerial photographic surveys conducted during the Royal Commission’s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Drive covering a large number of sites around mid and west Wales, 9 July 2018Cyfrwng396 tif files.DelweddaunRhif ArchifAP2024_503_275TeitlAP2024_503_275LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Radnor Range taken on 9 July 2018 by Toby DriverCyfrwng1.tifDelweddauyRhif ArchifAP2024_503_276TeitlAP2024_503_276LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Sarn Helen Roman road section taken on 9 July 2018 by Toby DriverCyfrwng1.tifDelweddauyRhif Archif6316906TeitlBMCS2007031 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadoverviewCyfrwngPhoto.DelweddauyRhif Archif6317107TeitlBMCS2007032 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadLooking over the structure down the valleyCyfrwngPhoto.DelweddauyRhif Archif6203914TeitlGR2007_028 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadDigital Color photograph of testing range at Radnor Range taken on 28/08/2007 by R.P. Sambrook during the Great Rhos Upland Survey undertaken by Trysor.CyfrwngPhoto.DelweddaunRhif Archif6314248TeitlGR2007_028 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadRadnor Range, looking south southeast.CyfrwngPhoto.DelweddauyRhif Archif6314249TeitlGR2007_029 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadExample of sign around edge of Radnor Range, looking east.CyfrwngPhoto.DelweddauyRhif Archif6203913TeitlGR2007_029 - RCAHMW Uplands Initiative Great Rhos Survey ArchiveLefelItemDisgrifiadDigital Color photograph of testing range at Radnor Range taken on 28/08/2007 by R.P. Sambrook during the Great Rhos Upland Survey undertaken by Trysor.CyfrwngPhoto.Delweddaun