Rhif ArchifTeitlLefelDisgrifiadCyfrwngDelweddauRhif Archif2025-01-27_5501TeitlAP2024_501LefelGroupDisgrifiadAerial photographic surveys conducted during the Royal Commission’s programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Drive covering a large number of sites around southern Carmarthenshire, 17 July 2018Cyfrwng65 Tif files.DelweddaunRhif ArchifAP2024_501_015TeitlAP2024_501_015LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Roman road from Carmarthen to Kidwelly; view looking S from Cwmffrwd taken on 17 July 2018 by Toby Driver (NGR: SN425168)Cyfrwng1.tifDelweddauyRhif ArchifAP2024_501_016TeitlAP2024_501_016LefelItemDisgrifiadRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of Idole, village, and line of Roman road, from W taken on 17 July 2018 by Toby Driver (NGR: SN423157)Cyfrwng1.tifDelweddauy