Stackpole Elidir 1, Inscribed Stone, St Elidyr?S Church, Stackpole Elidor

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Cyfeirnod MapSR99NE
Cyfeirnod GridSR9872897294
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
CyfnodCanoloesol Cynnar
Stackpole Elidir 1 is a roman-letter inscribed sandstone slab, currently in use as an alter slab in the Lort Chapel at St James and St Elidyr's Church, Stackpole Elidor (NPRN 303861). It was first noted in its present location in 1852.
The stone has been trimmed on all for sides, which has destroyed the tops of some of the letters. The surface is damaged and has been limewashed. Dimensions are given as 170m height x 57cm width x 10cm max. diameter. The roman-letter inscription is deeply incise, in two widely-spaces lines, and was probably intended to be read vertically. It has been translated as `of Camulorix son of Fannucus?, is thought to date to the end of the 5th or first half of the 6th century.

Sources include:
Edwards, N. 2007, Corpus of Early Medieval Inscribed Stones and Stone Sculpture in Wales

N Vousden, 16 November 2018