Possible Chapel Site, Rhoslanog Farm

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Cyfeirnod MapSM83SE
Cyfeirnod GridSM8619631889
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
Math O SafleEGLWYS
CyfnodCanoloesol Cynnar
In 1925 it was noted that an early burial ground existed in a field a short distance to the south of Rhoslanog farmhouse. A curving boundary is visible on first edition Ordnance Survey mapping. If it represents an enclosure, it would measure some 20m north-south. The farmhouse wall is the findspot of Mathry 2 (NPRN 423412), a cross-incised stone thought to date to the 7th-9th century. First edition Ordnance Survey mapping depicts a number (8+) of stones in fields to the north and east of the farmhouse, although they may have been erected as cattle rubbing stones.

Sources include:
Cambria Archaeology, 2003, Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project, Pembrokeshire gazetteer
Edwards, N. 2007, Corpus of Early Medieval Inscribed Stones and Stone Sculpture in Wales

N Vousden, 11 October 2018