Victoria Ironworks, Ebbw Vale

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Cyfeirnod MapSO10NE
Cyfeirnod GridSO1710007570
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Blaenau Gwent
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CymunedCwm (Blaenau Gwent)
Cyfnod19eg Ganrif
Victoria Ironworks was located about a mile south of the Ebbw Vale iron/steel works (NPRN 34135). Construction began in 1837 (at the time of the coronation of Queen Victoria), started by the Monmouthshire Iron and Coal Co. Two furnaces were built followed by a second pair in 1839.
The works were put up for sale in 1849. The sale catalogue described four blast furnaces each 45 ft high and 16 ft diameter at base, 8 ft across the top, the blast provided by a beam blowing engine producing 20,000 cu.ft. of air per minute. Also listed were four bridge lofts, kilns for roasting ironstone, a water balance for raising limestone to the furnace tops, a large casting house, three double refineries, a single refinery, a bar iron forge, 10 puddling furnaces, and a rolling mils for producing rails or merchant iron from eight balling furnaces. Also included were various workshops, a brass foundry, a brick yard, several reservoirs and pits, a shop and managers' accommodation, amongst other items.
The ironworks, purchased by the Ebbw Vale Iron Co., was altered and extended but by 1870 there were only three furnaces on site. Two of these were demolished to make way for two new ones, completed in 1883, in order for the works to produce 700 tons of iron per week.
L.Ince, The South Wales Iron Industry 1750-1885 (1993), 110.

RCAHMW, 25 January 2016