Hen Gaer West, Square Enclosure

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Cyfeirnod MapSN68SW
Cyfeirnod GridSN6299084330
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Ceredigion
Hen SirCeredigion
CyfnodCynhanesyddol, Rhufeinig, Anhysbys
Winter aerial reconnaissance on 7th Feb 2012 showed very denuded remains of a probable square earthwork enclosure lying 170m west of Hen Gaer Iron Age hillfort. The western half of the enclosure survives in woodland, visible as a post-medieval looking angled boundary. The eastern part of the enclosure survives in improved pasture, and denuded but clear lines of its northern side, and rounded north-east corner, can be made out on the winter photography. The enclosure measures approx. 143m across. It is possible that this enclosure, which occupies a commanding position on the leading edge of a ridge, dates to the prehistoric or Roman periods, but its character and date remain uncertain. See AP_2012_1474.

T. Driver, RCAHMW, 2013.