Cyfeirnod MapSH56SW
Cyfeirnod GridSH5455064260
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Gwynedd
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
CyfnodRhufeinig, Yr Oes Haearn
DisgrifiadRoyal Commission aerial reconnaissance on 10th December 2012 recorded extensive remains of denduded field lynchets and field terraces to the south-west of the Pen-y-gaer defended settlement. In particular, the field terraces focus on a previously unrecorded circular platform, probably the vestiges of a hut circle settlement, at SN 5453 6433, of c.15m diameter and marked by a slight kink in the field wall which runs across it; there is potentially the remains of a second of more denuded character some 100m to the south-east. It is clear that the field systems here are wide-spreading and provide a context for the more prominent and visible defended enclosures and settlements close by.
T. Driver, RCAHMW, 2013.