Cyfeirnod MapSM84SE
Cyfeirnod GridSM8969041350
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
CymunedFishguard and Goodwick
DisgrifiadWith the development of Fishguard harbour (opened in 1906, see NPRN 309558), the provision of navigation aids along the southern end of Cardigan Bay was revisited and it was determined to build a new lighthouse near Stumble Head (see NPRN 124115). The Strumble Head lighthouse was completed in 1909 on Ynys Meicel. However, for the intervening 3 years, a temporary structure was placed on one of the small headlands to the east. The structure comprised a platform tied down by chains to the headland and a small wooden/corrugated roofed hut for the keepers. A Notice to Mariners printed in The County Echo, 12 April 1906, provides details of the light - 'a White Group Flashing, giving four flashes in quick succession every 15 seconds, and will be visible in clear weather for a distance of about 15 miles between the bearings of N 88degrees W, through S and E to N 63degrees E. The focal plane of this light will be 98ft above High Water Spring Tides and will have an intensity of 27,000 candles'. The fog sinal was a Reed horn 'giving a blast of 3 1/2 seconds every 10 seconds'. When the Railway Company's steamers were expected an addtional three exposive signals would be fired every 10 minutes. Modern aerial photography suggests a small square platform at this location.
Sources include:
NAW Aerial Photography 2006-9
The County Echo 12 April 1906
Western Telegraph, 15 August 2001
Western Telegraphy, 29 August 2001
Pers. Corres. Mr R J Lewis, January 2013
Maritime Officer, RCAHMW, February 2013.