Cyfeirnod MapSN20NW
Cyfeirnod GridSN2019507418
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Carmarthenshire
Hen SirSir Gaerfyrddin
DisgrifiadAn extensive area of submerged forest from which has been radiocarbon 14 dates of 5300+/-80BP, 4640+/-60BP (CAR-1117, CAR-1116) have been recovered (calibrated 4330-3970BC, 3650-3100BC). In the early part of the 20th century, lithics of corresponding date were also recovered by A L Leach. An exposure of the forest was caught on camera by the Royal Commission's aerial photographer, Toby Driver, on 20 June 2008.
Sources include:
Bell, M, 2007, Prehistoric Coastal Communities: The Mesolithic in Western Britain, CBA Research Report 149, pg2
Leach, A L, 1913, Stone implements from soil drifts and chipping floors etc, in South Pembrokeshire, Archaeological Cambrensis LXVIII, 391-2
Leach, A L, 1918, Flint working sites on the submerged land (submereged forest) bordering the Pembrokeshire coast, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 29, 46-67.
Lewis, M P, 1992, The Prehistory of Coastal Southwest Wales 7500-3600 BP: an interdisciplianry palaeoenvironmental and archaeological investigation, unpublished PhD thesis, Dept of Archaeology, University of Lampeter
North, F J, 1955, The Evolution of the Bristol Channel, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
RCAHMW, December 2012.