Cyfeirnod MapST19SE
Cyfeirnod GridST1777294694
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Caerphilly
Hen SirSir Fynwy
Math O SafleTŶ’R FELIN
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, 19eg Ganrif
DisgrifiadProbably dating from the mid-nineteenth century, this two-storey range set at an angle to the road is comprised of a central house, a cottage to the right which shares the same ridge, and a single-storey barn to the left which has been converted into a candle-maker's workshop. It was the home of Artie Moore (d.1949), a radio enthusiast who experimented with radio transmitters at the mill and was able to pick up the distress call from the Titanic in 1912 as well as the the Italian declaration of war during the First World War. The Moore family purchased the mill in 1874. In addition to working as millers they were also suppliers of animal feed and, after installing generators in the early-twentieth century, they provided a battery charging service as well as a radio repair workshop, although their scheme to install a turbine to supply the Sirhowy Valley with electricity failed. The Moore family's various activities at the mill continued until the 1970s.
Source: Cadw Listed Buildings. ALH 26/10/2011 (Amended by ANC, 09.04.2019)