Telegraph Hotel;Great Orme Hotel

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Cyfeirnod MapSH78SE
Cyfeirnod GridSH7665783345
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Conwy
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
Math O SafleGWESTY
CyfnodModern, 20fed Ganrif
The Telegraph Hotel was built on the site of the Telegraph Station (Nprn: 300829) in c.1910. The hotel was taken over by the RAF in 1939 and used as a Radar Station. In 1952 the hotel was bought by British Middleweight boxing champion Randolph Turpin and Mr Leslie T. Salts, who made alterations to the building, before re-opening it as "The Summit Complex" in 1953. In 1961 the hotel was to Llandudno Urban District Council, who made further structural alterations to the building. Also known as the Great Orme Hotel.

Reference: 'Thoughts of Oscar' blog; early postcards.
RCAHMW. 2010.