Disgrifiad1. Aerial photographs (995026-45) reveal possible remains of formal garden in field to NE of house, comprising raised rectangular enclosure, with sunken features (ponds?) within and to the south. The area is covered in later ridge and furrow.
TGD 27/09/00
(text taken from Nprn86025)
2. Earthworks in field north of Aberyscir Court (Nprn25027): linear earthwork features divide off the eastern part of the field, towards the Yscir river, the remaining area being divided again by east-west features: the eastern part of the north area, a plot about 78m north-south by 54m occupying a distinct knoll, shows clear north-south cultivation/planting(?) ridges overlying a square earthwork feature thought to represent a minor Roman military enclosure (Nprn308497); the southern area includes what appear to be rectangular ponds & platforms (above), oriented north-south.
Associated with/part of:
Aberyscir Court gardens and landscape features (Nprn86025).
J.Wiles 05.01.05
3. This site lies on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Brecknockshire XXVII, sheet 11 (1904).
C.S.Briggs 06.12.05.